

Monday, May 16, 2011

Salam and good day to everyone :)
well well well, in this post i'm gonna talk bout TESL
precisely, ASASI TESL in UiTM
and this post is specially written for Nur Alia Syafiqah
i'm gonna answer all her questions, to help her make herself ready 
coz she's gonna be one of Asasi TESL student in UiTM


1. apa yg kita perlukan, bahan2 rujukan utk bantu kita time nk buat assignment nnti?
alryte, bahan rujukan mostly from the internet.. kalau TESL, most of the assignments kena buat journal, report, presentation, speeches. so paling penting mesti rajin cari bahan kat internet, guna GOOGLE SCHOLAR ye adik2. then pergi library, cari English Journals yang dah siap jilid . make sure ciri2 journal tu menepati kriteria yg ditetapkan oleh pensyarah. then, korang mesti ada Oxford/Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Longman pun boleh, tapi preferably Oxford or Cambridge la. install sekali dictionary ni dalam laptop. 

2. apa course yg boleh kita smbung lepas habis foundation nnti, yg berkaitan dgn English/TESL jugak?
courses yang berkaitan TESL/English after asasi nanti (which is degree la kan) ada banyak. korang boleh buat B.Ed TESL, degree in English language, Literature, Linguistic. or boleh juga masuk EPC (English for Professional Communication yg offered at UiTM sahaja).

3. apa course yg boleh kita smbung lepas habis foudation nnti, yg tak berkaitan dgn English, ada tak kak?
courses yang tak berkaitan english untuk degree nanti memang berlambak, such as masscom, undang2, etc. korang boleh mohon apa saja course yang menerima lulusan asasi tesl (make sure juga result SPM bersesuaian dgn course yg korg nak mohon) asalkan layak. tapi janganlah mohon medic/engineering/ accountancy, sebab memang confirm takkan dapat kalau nak gunakan kelulusan asasi tesl.

4. lepas foundation, kita kena mohon melalui UPU balik utk degree kan, kalau kita tak lepas selection macam mana?
untuk masuk B.Ed TESL, pelajar asasi TESL kena pass 3 benda. firstly. CGPA 3.0 above (actually cuma 2.5 tapi kalau result camni memang harapan la nak dapat, so to be safe make sure pointer korang 3.0 and above)/ second, kena dapat at least BAND 4 untuk MUET. BAND 1,2,3 tak boleh. thirdly, kena lulus ujian bertulis dan interview MEDSI. MEDSI test ni untuk menilai sahsiah keguruan yang ada dalam diri korang, nak tengok korang ni layak tak jadi pendidik. kira macam interview masuk IPG cuma way harder la sebab nak buat degree kan. so, kalau pelajar asasi TESL sangkut salah satu dari 3 benda ni, korang tak dapat la sambung degree TESL. kena la buat course lain yang bukan TESL. bagi yang dapat band 4 tapi fail medsi, boleh buat english course tapi bukan B.Ed TESL. kalau muet dapat less than Band 4, tak boleh buat apa2 course english.

5. apa peluang kerjaya graduan TESL ni?
bila dah grad B.Ed TESL, korang tak semestinya jadi cikgu. kalau choose nak jadi pendidik, boleh terus masuk mengajar sekolah menengah. or nak tinggi lagi, buat master then mohon jadi pensyarah. kalau tamau jadi educator, korang boleh kerja sebagai ambassador, spokesperson, translator, editor kat publishing company, journalist, dan banyak lagi la peluang. yang ni kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut boleh tanya lecturer.

6. MUET kena ambil masa bila kak? and apa MUET tu?
MUET kena ambil masa akhir tahun. masa tu korang tengah semester satu atau pun cuti semester 1 (bergantung pada kalendar akademik universiti). kalau masa tu masih kuliah, amek kat Uni masing2. kalau masa tu cuti, amek kat pusat exam berhampiran rumah masing2 la ea.  MUET ni Malaysian University English Test, tujuannya untuk menilai tahap penguasaan BI bagi kelayakan masuk universiti di Malaysia. pemarkahan berdasarkan Band (tahap). paling rendah mula dari Band 1-3. Band 4-6 pula adalah tahap penguasaan BI yang memuaskan,baik, dan seterusnya cemerlang. nak sambung TESL, kena dapat at least Band 4. markah MUET ni 300. section terbahagi kepada Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking.

7. MEdSi tu apa pulak, kena ambil bila?
MEdSI stands for Malaysia Educators Selection/Scholastic Inventory. bertujuan untuk menilai ciri-ciri seorang pendidik yang ada dalam diri korang. kalau nak berjaya kenalah tunjukkan bahawa anda ni mempunyai kebolehan dan pekerti seorang pendidik. tarikh biasanya 1-2 bulan selepas korang habis belajar asasi tesl. memula kena pergi ujian bertulis (lebih kurang macam ujian masuk IPG, INSAK). then kalau korang lulus ujian bertulis ni baru kena panggil pergi interview, then kena la lulus interview ni baru layak nak sambung B.Ed TESL.

8. tips nak score pointer bagus. (soalan telah diubah suai sedikit ye, hee)
in my opinion, belajar asasi TESL ni tak beban pun. memang ada yang mudah, dan wajiblah ada yang susah. first of all, SILA TUMPUKAN SEPENUH PERHATIAN DALAM KULIAH. tangakp semua yang lecturer cakap/tulis. jangan tinggal satu pun. latih otak mengingat kalau korang tak sempat nak tulis semua nota. apa yang lecturer pesan, wajib TAKE NOTE. jangan malas buat latihan, jangan tertinggal buku teks/buku latihan. pastu masa buat assignment, jangan delay last minute. buat cepat2 then tunjuk kat lecturer, tanya betul tak format kerja korang. betul tak isi yang yang korang tulis, arrangement of the work, answers yang korang beri. minta lecturer semak sebelum deadline supaya korang ada masa nak buat pembetulan. untuk test, buat latihan banyak2 dan fahamkan segala nota. untuk exam, tak perlu stay up 24 jam la, belajar mana yang korang betul2 tak faham je. yang dah faham tu tak perlu baung masa menghafal lagi, just buat latihan untuk mantapkan pemahaman. 

9. apa kelebihan UiTM ye kak, yg kebanyakan org tak tahu?
kelebihan uitm ada banyak. antaranya yuran murah (sangat membantu ye memandangkan ekonomi tak stabil, harga keperluan naik mencanak, gaji tak naik dan bonus tak dapat). pastu uitm ni betul2 bantu anak melayu dan bumiputera, cuma pelajarnya je yang kadang2 tak reti nak bersyukur. so, dapat masuk uitm ni sila bersyukur dan behave ye. jangan buat kampus tu macam tanah sendiri pula. pastu lecturer uitm semua baik, friendly dan tak berkira. diorang akan do everything to help you all dapat markah banyak, supaya korang dapat grade bagus2. kelebihan lain, bagi pelajar asasi, korang tak wajib kokurikulum ye. kerja anda belajar sahaja. pastu dapat elaun banyak, belanja elok2 jangan boros. semester 1 dapat rm1250 dan semester 2 dapat rm1960. bayar yuran kolej, yuran pengajian dan buku teks tau !

10. apa yg kita boleh, and tak boleh buat kat UiTM? barang larangan?
undang2 sama je macam kat mana2 tempat pun. attention kepada teslian, PERGI KELAS PAKAI FORMAL, BAJU KURUNG BAGI PEREMPUAN, KEMEJA-SLACK-NECKTIE BAGI LELAKI. kat uitm kalau segi pakaian di luar kolej kediaman, tak leceh sebab korang boleh pakai apa saja termasuk jeans asalkan tak serupa macam kilang benang terbakar. perempuan tak boleh pakai shorts/skirt pendek outside kolej. baju pun kena yang sopan, jangan la sendat sarung nangka pastu singkat macam tak cukup kain. kalau nak freehair tu lantak korang la, jangan rambut pink pulak. dye rambut sebenarnya tak boleh tapi ade je orang buat, aku pun xtau la nak cakap apa. lelaki x boleh pakai seluar pendek ye di luar kolej. dating kat tempat tersorok tak boleh, nanti kena tangkap basah, kena buang universiti terus. kenderaan tak tau la, ada undang2 baru so kena tunggu briefing masa korang masuk ye. barang larangan ? dadah, rokok, benda2 yang diharamkan di sisi agama dan undang2 kerajaan malaysia. 


Hi guys, this is me updating on May 28th, 2014. If you wanna ask questions but you don't want to comment here/found it too much hassle to login you Google account, please don't hesitate to ask me at my Ask.fm profile ask.fm/miezaannabeth :) 

You are welcomed to ask me anything regarding :
-Asasi TESL
-My degree course : English For Professional Communication
-Anything about makeup and beauty
-Anything proper that you wanna ask about my degree experiencesexpectations after completing a bachelor's degree and job perspectives. It is good to be prepared and get the information firsthand ^_^

Update : 15th August 2014
-I have graduated with first class honors ^_^
-I am now officially a holder of Bachelor's degree in Applied Language Studies (Hons) (English for Professional Communication) from the Academy of Language Studies, UiTM Shah Alam
-Graduated on December 2014 from UiTM Shah Alam, now an alumni of UiTM

Update : 17th March 2015
-I am now working full time at an agency. Alhamdulillah, finally earning on my own and enjoying my job ^_^
-I am doing my master's degree in Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) at USM Kuala Lumpur, also as a full time student planning to graduate in 2 years time (classes at weekday nights after I finish my work and on weekends)
-Considering to do another master's degree and then followed by a Ph.D in language, preferably something related to phonetics & phonology. Maybe I'll take up Language Pathology after this insyaAllah, that's my long term plan after I finish my current master's :) doakan saya!
-I don't want to be just one thing, I want to enjoy many things and explore many fields. I believe in myself that I can do it and I will strive to finish whatever I started.

Update : 17th April 2015
I am not manning this site and my ask.fm account 24/7 so please be patient. I never promised anyone to definitely answer your question within 5 seconds, I have a job and a life like you all too. I might be busy with work and assignment, I might be outstation, I might be meeting clients, I might be very tired at the end of the day, and as human, there are times I forget to answer what I've seen. Please be patient and polite :) i really appreciate it. 

if you see that I approved your comment but didn't reply, and you desperately need fast answers then do EMAIL ME DURING OFFICE HOURS

If I haven't answered your questions at ask.fm then it means I dont have the time to check them yet, not seen thus not answered yet. again, do EMAIL ME DURING OFFICE HOURS I promise I wont bite. thank you. 

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  1. okay sis, NOTED :) i love it ♥ thank you very2 much.

  2. welcome dear :) i enjoy helping my junior comrades (^_^)

    1. Sis, what about im pursue Tesl in kuptm? please im so confused about this.

    2. Hi Hafiz. I'm sorry i cant answer that question as I never had any experiences nor any knowledge about studying at KUPTM.

  3. pheww, mencabar nyaa . btw, thanks a lot sbb bg tahu sume ni :)

  4. betul ke kena belajar sejarah and agama ?

  5. yup, first semester you have to take Malaysian Studies and Tasawur Islam, second sem juga ada Tasawur Islam.

  6. as i told you dear, kalau further B.Ed TESL after you took asasi TESL, sepatutnya you jadi pendidik. tapi kalau tak nak kerja2 yang i dah list out kat atas tu, i'm not very sure sebab i'm not in B.Ed TESL for my degree. i'm doing Bachelor (Hons.) Applied Language Studies (English for Professional Communication) which is known as EPC, and we have wider career prospects than B.Ed plus the course duration is shorter, only 3 years. sorry i can't answer ur question, try to check on Lin Donut's blog or Ben Frankenstein.

    1. Hi. What are the career options for epc graduates? I've just finished my foundation in tesl and I was not called to sit for the medsi test. So I was thinking of any other english courses that might suits me. Any suggestion?

    2. anything that doesnt require a science-related degree. if you go to APB UiTM website and click on EPC tab, you'll find a list of possible jobs for EPC grads. It's not exactly that specific because EPC grads, if they're resourceful and smart enough, they can land a job anywhere provided they equip themselves with the right skills apart from what the textbook can provide. anyway, what do you mean by you werent called to sit for medsi test? you must register to sit for medsi test, you dont get called. you only get called for the interview IF you pass the medsi test.

  7. thank you so mach 4 da info. really2 helpful.. :)

  8. Yo..akak..ape perbezaan dan persamaan asasi tesl dengan ipg tesl?

  9. Hi faiezakhbar!

    I'm sorry I cant really explain on that as I'm not in IPG TESL. but some differences I picked up along these years are :

    -Asasi TESL UiTM is only for 2 semesters. while if you go to IPG, you'll have to stay there for FIVE YEARS.

    -Upon completing Asasi TESL UiTM, you'll have to go through another UPU, for degree placement.

    -In order for you to get into B.Ed TESL in IPTA, you MUST get BAND 4 above in MUET, pass both interview and written test of MeDSI, and of course, good CGPA from Asasi.

    -In IPG, the process might not be the same as you are already in the school of education so I dont know if there are such thing as MeDSI for them. if there are, then it might be different as the curricular of IPG is not the same of IPTA.

    -After completing Asasi TESL in UiTM, there is NO PROMISES that you will get into B.Ed TESL (TESL degree) in any IPTA. Why ? because the MUET, MeDSI and CGPA factors. and sometimes luck. other options are degrees various courses such as English for Professional Communication (only in UiTM Shah Alam), mass comm, law, literature, English studies, administrative courses. you can also go into IPG after completing Asasi TESL but you'll have to start another foundation year again.

    -if you take B.Ed TESL, you're going to teach in secondary schools after you graduate or you can choose wherever you want to work, apply on your own. while graduates from TESL in IPG only teaches in primary school as they have to pay back the contract with government for supporting all their expenses within the 5 years of studying (they get monthly allowances).

    i hope my explanation helps. bear in mind that Asasi TESL is just the beginning, it doesnt promise you to get B.Ed TESL in any IPTA but the chances are not low. IPG TESL, is a whole journey. once you get into it, you will definitely grad to be a teacher and serve the government, otherwise you drop out of IPG and do something else.

  10. Thanks...kak..dah lebih 100 ptah prkataan dah tu....but klau nk smbung degree untuk epc mcam akak..mcm mne nk mohon and ape jobs yg boleh saya apply dengan degree epc tu...saya x minat sangat nk mengajar bagai ni...

  11. One more thing kak...dalam epc ade guna mathematics x?

  12. yo..akak..saya skali lagi..thanks untuk penerangan yg panjang lebar tu..now i have a new question...apa beza degree in english literature dengan degree in english linguistik..mane lagi bnyk peluang pekerjaan..

  13. hi again faiezakhbar :)

    here are the answers :

    1) you can apply for EPC through UPU once you've finished your matriculation/asasi/diploma. jobs ? banyak sangat. EPC graduates will be equipped with knowledge in English language, business admin, multimedia and professional communication skills. you can work in corporate sectors (bergantung pada kemahiran anda), business field, language field (translator, editor, writer, lecturer/teacher, everything related to English language). you can work as web designer as well, provided u are talented enough and you love the job, you can work your way up to become a diplomat (apply for PTD lepas grad). there is no specific job fr EPC graduates, we are free to choose whatever path we wanna take, asalkan sesuai dengan kemampuan.

    2) there is no mathematics in EPC.

    3) I'm sorry to disappoint you but since I'm never in these two degrees you're asking, I know nothing about them. however my friend helped by saying that : literature focuses on the literature arts and books. Linguistics is all about the spoken and unspoken language.

  14. another friend said that : English Literature touches more on history and beuatification of english language, while linguistics touches on how language works

  15. my junior's friend from UPM said that : english literature, u learn all about literature. English linguistics, u learn about the language. Wholly.

  16. ok thanks akak..haha ada satu lagi..lpas habis asasi tesl..klau kita x nak ambil B.ed.TESL memang kne amik ke ujian medsi tu juga ke atau kita boleh pilih either nak amik ujian medsi tu atau apply degree lain such as EPC tu..???

  17. hi again !

    MEdSI test is only for those who wants to pursue Bachelor of Education (B.Ed). if you dont want to pursue B.Ed at all, tak kisah subjek apa pun, you dont even have to register for it, membazir duit dan masa je nanti. but if you're in asasi tesl, it will be compulsory for you as the expectation is for you to sambung B.Ed, but you can always discuss with your lecturers about it :) kalau memang confirm tak mau sambung jadi cikgu, terus apply degree yang bukan B.Ed :)

  18. kak, saya nak ambil program asasi tesl ni. tp sy nak tau, cerah x peluang kite klu nak study overseas with scholarship after taking this foundation ? because sy nak sgt belajar oversea

  19. Hi Alwina :) hmm, your question is a tough one. Well, I dont recall knowing anybody who pursued their degree overseas with scholarship after taking Asasi TESL in UiTM. I dont know if there were people succeeded in doing so, I'm sorry. As what I've seen, most scholarships offered in Malaysia, be it from the government or corporate organizations, they don't offer it for TESL or English studies as the offers are more inclined to all streams of science, economics, accounts, business studies. Only MARA offers a scholarship for B.Ed TESL in New Zealand but to be eligible for that you must be in their A-Level program at Kolej MARA Seremban.

    however, if you know any organizations that are willing to sponsor your studies oversea with SPM and Asasi TESL qualification, you may consult them :) it's not a harm to try after all.

  20. kne apply PTPTN ke?

  21. no need to apply PTPTN as all Asasi students will get an allowance from KPT.

  22. I was told that we only have to wear shirt and slack on Monday? Would you mind enlighten me up a little bit?

    Oh btw, to those who got Asasi TESL at UiTM Alor Gajah, let's join our community :


  23. hello! I was in Alor Gajah in 2010-2011 so I dont know if the program coordinator for Asasi TESL (particularly in UiTM Lendu) has changed the attire rule. In my time, only formal attire is accepted for daily class.

  24. hye kak..
    tanx so much for da info..
    sya nk tnya ckit tp mgkn hal xde kna-mgena dgn tesl ni..
    hehe..utk program asasi ada dpt bntuan elaun kn?tp utk elaun tu ada kna bka mna2 akaun bank tak??

  25. hi there :) for asasi students of uitm, kena buka akaun Bank Islam untuk elaun yang kita akan dapat setiap semester :) and next if you sambung degree kat uitm jugak, still guna akaun Bank Islam jugak untuk segala urusan macam PTPTN, bayar yuran pengajian, yuran kolej, saman dan sebagainya. Pelajar2 UiTM mmg kena ada akaun aktif Bank Islam sbb kat situ la segala bayaran will be billed :)

  26. owh ok kak..tanx a lot ya..
    kkak byk mmbntu!! :)

  27. Assalammualaikum...how about the e-pjj program in uitm...do u have any info on that? Thank u

  28. Wsalam, hi :) sorry I dunno anything about e-pjj. I dont know about any other courses as well, I only know about asasi TESL and degree in English for Professional Communication, thank you :)

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I don't know if you still read and reply to old posts but I would like to ask a question. Can I apply for EPC through Masscom? Is that possible?

  31. Hi Syazwan, I still reply to old post's comments coz I have comment moderation here on this blog :) Okay, if you are taking a diploma in masscom, when you've graduated then you can apply for EPC degree, that's the only possible way i have known all these while if you're from masscom going to EPC. quite a number of my classmates were masscomm diploma holders too. what's your situation?

  32. Oh thank God you replied! I'm in a convoluted problem currently. Well, I D9ed, and was dismissed from Foundation of Science course last week. So now, I should apply for a Diploma course. And I have discovered that I wasn't much of a science person while I was in FoS, and I'm not particularly good with figures if Accountancy is considered. Plus, I heard that it's too late if I'm interested in Foundation TESL, and there isn't such thing as a TESL Diploma right? But, I'm truly interested in the EPC. course.

    1. TESL Diploma exists but not in UiTM :) maybe you can look for it at other IPTS. It's good to hear that you're interested to join EPC. For now, just ace your diploma and then when the time comes you can apply for EPC ^_^

  33. Klu untuk tesl asasi ada tak pjj nyer?n berapa tahun?

    1. Hi dear :) kalau dekat UiTM takde PJJ untuk asasi. Kena mohon intake biasa thru UPU sahaja.

  34. Salam kak,UiTM mana yg ada English course ni? I'm waiting for my SPM result,tapi sye still tak tahu UiTM mana yg ada english course ni..and kite kene buat diploma dulu ke? Or ada foundation then terus boleh ambik degree?

    1. Salam, hi dear :) if you nak masuk EPC (English for Professional Communication) cuma ada kat UiTM Shah Alam je, and you must have either one of these :
      -Asasi TESL

      Foundation is Asasi, and asasi kalau TESL cuma ada kat UiTM Alor Gajah, UiTM Shah Alam, UiTM Kuantan. But you still can get into EPC if you're from Asasi Sains/Akaun or matrikulasi. It depends on your luck :)

  35. assalam mieza..akak nk tanya kalu anak akak lulusan asasi tesl boleh ke mohon degree sains komputer/multimedia? atau hanya lulusan asasi sains/matrikulasi/diploma jer yg diterima mohon degree sains komputer tu? i satu apa beza ASASI TESL UITM dgn ASASI B.INGGERIS UIAM? tqvm!

    1. Salam kak Inahar :) kalau anak akak ambil asasi TESL, tak layak mohon mana-mana degree fakulti sains termasuklah sains komputer, sebab kelayakan masuk degree sains komputer ialah ada diploma sains komputer atau matriks/asasi sains atau STPM ambil paper sciences. Lepasan asasi TESL hanya layak mohon degree social sciences sahaja (bidang bahasa, mass comm, pengurusan, education yang bukan subjek sciences). beza tesl uitm dengan uia, saya tak berapa arif la kak sebab saya takde kawan yang ambil tesl kat uia so tak tau. yang jelasnya, kat uia kalau belajar asasi pun wajib belajar bahasa arab sekali, and then bila degree dia akan dapat kat uia juga. kalau asasi kat uitm, bila degree nanti ada probability and possibility untuk dapat uni lain. hope this helps :)

    2. mekacehh bnyk mieza atas bantuannye ye!

  36. Hai sis! I ingat nak ambil course tesl. But tesl ni better ambil asasi or diploma?
    Cause kalau boleh I nak sambung degree di oversea.
    Buat diploma in tesl ni setahu saya memang boleh sambung degree kt oversea terus kalau result okay.
    Tapi kalau ambil asasi tesl ni boleh ke sambung degree kt oversea? Atau dia ada syarat kena lulus?
    Let me know soon, thank you :)

    1. Hi there. I'm sorry I dont have any experiences or insights regarding the question that you just asked. I only did asasi TESL in UiTM, I didn't take diploma and I never asked anybody about it. what I knew is that if you wanna do your TESL degree overseas, you must get MARA Scholarship and do A-Level at Kolej MARA Seremban for 2 years, pass it and go to NZ. This is only applicable for straight As bumiputra student, so if you are, dont hesitate to apply coz it's a huge opportunity :) On the other hand, some IPG also have twinning program for B.Ed TESL so do your research on which campus still have this program and apply. That's the only sponsored medium that I knew for Malaysian students to do B.Ed TESL overseas. and please take note that JPA never sponsor for TESL or any other education courses. Maybe you can try ask if KPT sponsors for oversea B.Ed TESL as well.

      If you're accepted into Asasi TESL in UITM, then you can try find any scholarships on your own that supports students to do B.Ed TESL overseas. Obviously there are close to none coz in Malaysia those scholarship providers usually give offers to science students, not language. But it's not wrong to search very thoroughly if you really want to do it. Good luck.

    2. Err. Kak. Sorry to interrupt. So, if we want to fly overseas to pursue our degree, we must be a straight A's students in SPM? Then, only after that we can get MARA sponsorship and do A-Level at KMS? Oh, that's sad. :(

    3. Hi there :) Yes, that is correct. So far in Malaysia, the only B.Ed TESL students that got sponsored (read : scholarship) to study outside of Malaysia are those from :
      -MARA Scholarship (get straight A, get MARA scholarship, study A-Level at KMS and pass it, go to NZ)
      -Program Berkembar KPM dan IPG (which was officiated in 2009 and is no longer available now)

      Well, we just have to accept that the "system" in Malaysia only favors science stream for most scholarships. What to do~

    4. and oh yes, if you wanna know more about the Program Berkembar KPM dan IPG, please ask people from B.Ed TESL at IPG, I cant help on this matter coz I dont know anything about it or why it was stopped.

  37. How to fly overseas right after a year of foundation in uitm shah alam ?

    1. Hi there :) so far there is no fixed stream or live testimony of such, unless you're self sponsored. All students of TESL Foundation in UITM will continue their studies to local universities if they apply through UPU. there is no scholarship for TESL students to continue their degree overseas except for A-Level students from Kolej MARA Seremban, sponsored by MARA.

  38. Salam kak.betul ke org yg ambik TESL ni kene byk ckp dan ekstrovert?jadi masalh tak kalau saya ni pendiam dan tak byk ckp?

    1. Salam dear :) Well, not really. Many of the students I saw, tak kecoh bising huru-hara like a true extrovert pun. It is okay if you are happy to be an introvert. Just make sure that your brain is full with knowledge and speak when necessary. Jangan introvert sangat sampai masa group presentation pun tak nak bercakap. Itu masalah la, sebab nanti kalau you jadi cikgu, you mengajar sorang2, takde cikgu lain nak tolong cakapkan :)

  39. hai sis mieza..
    can you give me some tips for the TESL interview this sunday..
    takut..gagap..takut tak confident..sebab tak fluent nak speaking..:'(

    1. Hi Intan :) Actually you dont have to worry that much, I wasn't a fluent speaker either when I strolled in for the interview :p They understand that it is only for a foundation course, and you cant expect all 18 year old Malaysians can speak fluently do you? Not looking down at Malaysians but considering that not all of us were raised in a full English spoken medium, it is okay if you're not fluent. Just be clear of what you're going to answer them, dont rush to answer just because you wanna impress them. Take a bit of time to speak, but dont say aaaa, ummm, to fill the spaces. If you cant find the right word to speak, pause for a second and think :) The secret is, when you seem to lose words, people tend to stutter like "aaaa actually I am aaaa aaaaa...." and this will definitely sound bad. Instead of that "aaaaa" you take a short pause like this "Actually, I am thinking about......(keep quiet and make a thinking face, and think what you wanna say)" and continue your words.

      And if you feel that your vocab is not excellent yet, just be cool and use simple words. It helps, making the conversation easier to go on ^_^ good luck!

  40. hello sis~ i am accepted for this tesl foundation programme in kampus alor gajah, can you like tell me how was your schedule back then? is it that packed? or maybe like places to go and not to go? i f you dont mind of course. i didnt have a senior in this campus i was going through the web when i saw your blog! it helps a lot!

    1. Hi there, congratulations! Talking about schedule, my job back then was just to attend classes and any events regarding TESL. There was no obligation to attend "aktiviti kolej" during my time coz those are only compulsory for diploma students. But what i heard from the following batches, they were forced to attend those unnecessary events by diploma students. Good luck with that, coz if you really have to attend it, it means less time to do your assignments. I cannot tell you if the schedule is packed or not, as I dont recall myself feeling that my schedule was packed :p The difference is if you love and enjoy what you're doing, you wont feel your schedule is packed. If you dont do things wholeheartedly then you'll have the tendency to feel like "oh my godddd bila nak habis kelas niiii" or "what the hell banyak gila assignment macam mana nak hiduppp".

      Places to go? Well, there's nothing interesting in Alor Gajah. Actually in Melaka there are 3 districts (Melaka Tengah, Alor Gajah, Jasin) and the only district you can call "bandar" with big shopping malls is Melaka Tengah and people normally go to Banda Hilir for all the tourist attractions there. You can either take the bus from Alor Gajah to bandar Melaka, or rent a car and share the cost with your friends. Melaka has a lot of interesting places to visit, mainly the historical sites. Don't spend too much on shopping okay :p Places not to go? Night clubs, hahaha! As usual, take care wherever you go and in whatever you do :) If you have any more questions, I'm here to help!

  41. salam akak! thanks sangat sbb this helps me a lot. i got asasi tesl kampus alor gajah and dah excited sgt dah ni nk masuk bljr haha. thanks again akak! :)

    1. Salam, hi Aisyah :) congrates for getting into Asasi TESL, belajar elok2 tau! Glad that this helped you ^_^

  42. sisss can you recommend me places to go eatt? haha and are the hostel comfortable? hehe

    1. there wasnt much at my time, haha! the only place i can recommend to eat is Dimen. I dunno whether it is still operating or not. Nasi Ayam at the food court across the road (outside uitm) was nice too. I heard that there is a new western restaurant somewhere around there, try ask Miss Siti about it okay? Miss Siti is one of the lecturers of Asasi TESL.

  43. kalau tak dapat band 4 mmg tak boleh apply mana-mana course english langsung eh for degree? :(

    1. yes, because MUET is the indicator of your capability to perform in English courses.

  44. sis jadi kalau nak jadi pensyarah lepas asasi tesl ambik bed tesl la ?

    1. hi there :) if you wanna be a lecturer, it depends on what subject that will be your preference to teach later. taking BEd TESL is for you to become a teacher. If you wanna be a lecturer, it does not matter what your bachelor's degree are. You need you Master and PhD to become a lecturer and whether you're accepted to be one or not by the university.

  45. sis jadi kalau nak pursue jd lecturer lepas asasi tesl ni pilih bed tesl dulu la ?

    1. hi there :) if you wanna be a lecturer, it depends on what subject that will be your preference to teach later. taking BEd TESL is for you to become a teacher. If you wanna be a lecturer, it does not matter what your bachelor's degree are. You need you Master and PhD to become a lecturer and whether you're accepted to be one or not by the university.

  46. Assalamualaikum sis. Few questions here.
    1. Apa barang2 yg perlu dibawa (selain dokumen penting) time daftar nanti?
    2. Betul ke pelajar asasi tesl yg ditempatkan di uitm shah alam tu yang top students shj?
    3. Apa program MDS ni?
    4. Pemakaian semasa asasi ni memang baju kurung sahaja ke? Boleh x nak pakai jubah? (x berniqab)
    p/s: sorry if too many inquiries.. I'm about to register next week.. kinda nervous.. hope reply asap thanks

    1. Wsalam, hi Nabilah :) here's the answers :

      1. Clothes, snacks, toiletries, makeup, kasut + selipar, bantal, sarung bantal + cadar, some cash. Laptop jangan bawak dulu kalau boleh, takut hilang. Some novels utk masa bosan2 :p

      2. THAT IS A MYTH. excuse me, siapa yang cakap macam ni? UiTM biasa letak budak2 ikut alamat rumah, except budak kelantan terengganu sabah sarawak yang akan kena rotate setiap sem. Budak lain semua ikut alamat dengan region. Johor, Melaka, NS akan kena hantar Melaka. Budak Selangor, KL akan kena kampus Shah Alam. Budak Pahang duduk kampus Kuantan.

      3. MDS is your orientation week, Minggu Destini Siswa. Be prepared to walk around campus dalam panas. Bawak payung and tisu banyak2, pakai deodorant kalau x nnt semua org busuk gila (seriously no kidding). Bangun awal tido lambat, tahan jelah ea seminggu ;)

      4. Boleh je pakai jubah, no problem. Btw this dress code is only for Melaka. Kampus lain (Shah Alam and Kuantan) I tak tau macam mana :)

      Which campus did you get?

    2. I got Shah Alam and I'm from Terengganu. Thanks so much for the info.. Really helps a lot. Btw, does the syllabus they teach is the same? Can u list the books that I need to use for this course?

    3. Hi again Nabilah, congrates for making it into Asasi TESL :) The syllabus is quite the same till now, as whatever you will learn during asasi are the basics towards any English degrees that you'll further take. However, I cant list you the books as textbooks usually changes according to its edition every year. And then, since you're in Shah Alam and I was from Melaka, some lecturers might not use the same book. Good luck!

  47. Assalamualaikum, kak. I got Asasi TESL - Kampus Alor Gajah. And I was just wondering, kalau lepas asasi, yang interview untuk degree tesl tu memang untuk bakal pendidik je ke? Sebab, saya memang takde intention nak jadi cikgu. And also dresscode untuk student TESL kalau perempuan memang kena pakai baju kurung sentiasa ke?

    1. Wsalam, hi there :) The interview that you'll have to go through after asasi TESL is MEdSI, where you need to pass the written test first. It is not special for BEd. TESL only, it is for all BEd. courses (all degree courses that makes you eligible to teach at schools). If you dont have the intention to be a teacher, then apply for other courses like EPC, Masscom or Law. Another alternative (but not advisable) is to purposely flunk your MEdSI written test (answer it crappily and dont show any ketokohan to be a teacher) so that you'll definitely fail your MEdSI and you wont be eligible fo any BEd. courses.

      As for the dress code, baju kurung is only for lectures for TESL students in Alor Gajah. You can wear blouse with formal long skirt or pants, as long as it looks formal like a teacher going to school. Jubah is also allowed. Just no jeans, no fancy pants or shirts.

    2. Thanks for answering my question. Haha. The funny thing is that I need to flunk the MEdSI written test if I don't want to be a teacher. Erm, btw kak, any advice for a future TESLians like me? I don't know anything about TESL and I really hope that I'll come to like it in the future.

      Few Q's that I hope you can answer it :
      - Untuk dorm kat UiTM Melaka, dia campur semua budak lain-lain courses dalam satu bilik ke atau budak-budak same course dalam satu bilik?

      -Tandas dia macam tandas asrama ke? I mean, at the outside?

      -I heard that there will be a test to differentiate the average and bright student on some sites. Is it true? Is there any preparation that I must be aware of?

      -Is there any chance for asasi tesl students to further their study at the oversea?

      Sorry if my questions are quite nonsense. :D

    3. FYI, I myself flunked my MEdSI test coz I dont feel like becoming a teacher, I wanted something different and I prayed hard to get EPC, alhamdulillah Allah heard my prayers and granted my wish. Now I'm close to graduating, a year earlier than TESL and I am happy with my decision :)

      Here are the answers for your questions :

      1) I dont know the system now since they already scatter the students into new residential colleges.

      2) Old colleges : outside the rooms
      New colleges : inside (like an apartment)

      3) During my 2 semesters in asasi TESL, there was no such thing. No tests were explicitly mentioned as "to check whether you are in the clever pack or the opposite". Can you provide me the link of those sites? Maybe there were tests like that but I dont remember it. I can check for you ;)

      4) This is a hot question, if you scroll up and down the comments here, there are quite a number of same question I have answered :) I'm just gonna copy paste what I have wrote earlier XD here :

      So far there is no fixed stream or live testimony of such, unless you're self sponsored. All students of TESL Foundation in UITM will continue their studies to local universities if they apply through UPU. there is no scholarship for lepasan asasi TESL all around Malaysia (tak kira la you from uni apa pun) students to continue their degree overseas. ONLY the students of A-Level TESL from Kolej MARA Seremban, sponsored by MARA, will further their degree overseas, IF they pass the exams. you can check out this girl's post about it :


    4. Oh. Okay. Last question, I live far away from Melaka, and I'm worried about orientation week as I need to bring my laptop because my parent can't bring it next time. What should I do because almost everyone said that it is not advisable to bring laptop during orientation week?

    5. Well, it is definitely not advisable to bring a laptop during orientation week because most thief around the campus are very active at that time, they'll definitely steal some, especially at the boy's college. Maybe if you really have no choice, then carry it wherever you go, and you'll have to bear with it lah, penat sikit. I never trust to let anyone else keep my laptop but why not you ask the residential college admin office if they can help keep your laptop first (in the office) while you're having your orientation.

  48. I wrote some comments at your ask.fm. do i hv to repeat them here? TQ

    1. Hi, it's okay there's no need to repeat here. watch out for my answer at ask.fm ^_^

  49. Cuti sem bila, kak? MUET ambil semasa cuti, kan?

    1. hi there :) sorry i dont know when your semester break will be coz you all masuk lambat unlike my batch dulu. but yes, i guess semua mmg buat MUET masa cuti sem.

  50. klau lps asasi nk msu EPC tu , kene lulus 3 benda mcm nk msuk B.Ed TESL jgk ke ?

    1. Hi there :) If an asasi TESL student wants to "have a chance" to enroll into EPC degree, he/she must :
      -asasi CGPA of 3.0 above
      -get Band 4 and above in MUET
      -fail MEdSI test

      these are the basic requirement, and the student must put EPC degree as their FIRST CHOICE during UPU application later after they finish asasi. But there is no promise that the student will get into EPC. Starting from last 2 semesters, EPC only takes no more than 60 students per new batch. I dont know how they select the students either.


  51. Salam kak,for degree tesl, after 4 years kena posting di sekolah or terus sambung master?sbb im interested to be a lecturer

    1. Salam :) For BEd TESL, after you graduated you can opt to apply as a teacher at schools or continue your master. But my friends in BEd TESL said if you wanna be an educator, best if you go and teach at schools first then only you continue your master. because that experience of teaching at school will be useful and important if you wanna be a lecturer after that.

      This is a direct copy paste of my friend's answer, he is now doing his masters in TESL :

      Practical will be done in schools. It is your choice for what happens after.
      Usually the university WILL put in your name as a potential teacher in the SPP but if you are certain you dont want to become a teacher, you can just reject / ignore it.
      Take me for example:

      After I finish my degree I applied for my Masters right away and true enough I found out that the faculty registered me under the SPP. So, I just ignored it and continued with my Master program.

  52. Contoh other degree yg boleh ambil after pra TESL ? Akak saye buntu sbb lemah bi .. rase mcm salah pilih course plak..

    1. If you dont think that you wanna pursue English studies like TESL and EPC, maybe you can opt for tourism, masscomm or office management? but do take note that in UiTM, all classes are conducted 100% in English except for Bahasa Melayu classes and CTU subjects.

  53. Salam sis Mieza,i pelajar lepasan SPM2014,thank you for sharing,laman akak yg ni bnyak membantu saya.Sis,selain asasi tesl di uitm,adakah usm juga menawarkan asasi tesl di usm sendiri? kalau ada mcm mana i nak apply eh? thank you #mohon pencerahan

    1. Salam Anisza. I dont think USM has any Foundation courses. Please check at USM's website. TESL Foundation is only offered in UiTM. In UIA there is a foundation course too but it is Asasi Bahasa Inggeris, not TESL.

  54. Salam akak thanks for the info,kak sebelum smbg blaja utk asasi tesl ni kat uitm,uitm ada buat interview apa2 x?kalau ada boleh x akak share apa jenis soalan yg ditanya by their intake department:)

    1. Salam Rifqi, sama2, glad to help :) there was an interview and it is compulsory for you to pass it. during my time in 2010, the format was like this :

      1) Part A : Written test, something like SPM but for me it was much easier.
      2) Part B : Two-to-one interview (one will speak to you, the other one will sort through your documents). they dont ask standard questions, they can ask anything. be prepared with answers on :
      -why did you choose asasi TESL in UiTM?
      -why do you want to be an English teacher
      -why should UiTM take you in?

      Good luck!

  55. Salam kak kalau ambik asasi tesl nnti degree boleh sambung fisioterapi ke tak ?

    1. salam, tak boleh. Fisio tu fakulti sains. asasi tesl bukan sains, tak boleh lompat dari lulusan asasi tesl pergi ke degree sains. kalau nak ambil degree fisioterapi you must do diploma or asasi sains sahaja. check webpage degree fisioterapi tu, apa kelayakan pre-degree yang dia terima. kat situ ada list apa course awak patut ambil supaya boleh apply fisio untuk degree.

    2. Sis kalau saya aliran sastera boleh x ambil asasi brkaitan sains?

  56. Akak kno message saya belum dijawab?

    1. my dear, if you need express answers you can always email me :) i am working full time and also studying for my master's degree so please dont expect me to respond here or at my ask.fm within seconds okay :) i never promised to answer secepat kilat but what i will do is answer them accordingly. sometimes i dont know everything and i need time to ask around as well. please be patient. cheers!

  57. Akak,

    Thank you for this post.

    Saya dpt offer asasi Tesl untuk tahun 2015/2016.
    At first, i was really anxious regarding the offer. however, after I read this post, i start to think "maybe TESL isn't as bad as it sound."
    Most of my family doesn't even know what TESL is. I had to explain things to them and because of that i am having a hard time, since i too, barely know TESL.
    Now that i had read this post, i know exactly how to explain to my family. :D

    Thanks, Kak Mieza. Thanks a lot.

    1. Alhamdulillah, congratuations dear for being offered into Asasi TESL :) I hope that my simple explanations are enough to help you explain to your family. It is truly a challenge to tell people about TESL and EPC as well when Malaysian mentality are more fixed onto sciences and many never really cared about language courses, only the true passionate people knows and it is our responsibility to convey the right message. I wish you all the best in your future undertakings and should you need more info, please email me so that I can help you more okay :)

  58. Assalam akak, first and foremost, I want to thank you for this post. When I got the offer letter for asasi tesl 2015/2016 I was hesitating since I wanted to further my studies in business administration and I was in form 6 orientation week. The temptation of Cambridge is too great for me. But I realize that teaching isn't the only thing available if I take asasi tesl after reading akak's post. I want to ask how many subject will we learn for asasi tesl? Is MEdsi a must take exam? By the way, I'm planning to take EPC because it seems interesting, please wish me the best of luck. Thank you for clearing the fog in my head, can't wait to enter asasi tesl.

    1. Wsalam dear, you're welcome and thank you for reading my post :) for asasi tesl, i cannot surely say how many subjects there are as per now, i did not keep up with my lecturer about this. but roughly around 7 subjects each semesters and there are easy and difficult ones, balanced and not all have final exam. MEdSI was a must during my time but i was told by a junior now you can choose not to take it if you want to pursue other than B.Ed for degree. I wish you all the best in your future undertakings and please contact me should you need further help later :)

  59. Assalam Akak, I have officially become a Teslians, my campus is Shah Alam, but it's only a transit campus, permanent one is at Dengkil, I must say that Shah Alam is seriously huge, when we have the MDS, I thought that the places we went was outside the campus, but it was wrong, every single places was inside the campus, Masjid, Dewan DATC etc. I want to ask, my fellow Teslians ade cakap yang Tesl books are all imported is that correct? Is the books really expensive sebab ade diaorang cakap yang second hand is around Rm 400? Akak, aside from careers that needs us to take the Medsi exam, what other options do we have? The english placement test susah tak? How do they divide us? Is it based on the marks we achieve or it is a mix class? Islamic Education Studies tu tassawwur Islam or like Pai cam time high school? When do we have to buy the muet pin number? Is every subject taken by a Tesl student in English? Sorry about the mix language. Sorry kalau akak ternampak banyak sangat comment dari saya, my internet connection is a little crazy, jdi tak tau if the comments were made or not.

    1. Wsalam, hi there, congratulations :) well, UiTM Shah Alam masa awal2 masuk memang la nampak besar. I spent three years there, rasa tak besar pun dah :p Mosr asasi TESL textbooks are published by McGraw Hill Malaysia. Imported ones ada, but that usually lecturer akan suruh fotostat je sebab the normal price is hundreds of dollar, like one book i used masa degree EPC, a grammar book yg memang tak jual in Malaysia. i never found second hand asasi TESL books priced at RM400, your friends tu either kena tipu or exaggerating.

      Career that needs you to take medsi is only to become an educator and nothing else. Other than that, you can check at TESL and EPC website. Website fakulti, ada list of job prospects. But I advise you not to rely on what you see on the list sahaja (writer, editor, etc). You choose what you want to be, jangan tanya orang and jangan patuh pada list sahaja, be creative and explore what the world has to offer, find out what you would love to do for the rest of your life after tamat degree.

      English Placement Test, sorry I have no memory of this thing. If I dont remember, it means that thing is not impactful or not important enough, haha XD in other words, senang je benda tu. How do they divide you all? I dont know, not important as well. Islamic Education Studies, you'll learn mcm PAI kat sekolah, and then ada tambah2 sikit la pasal education in Malaysia, and belajar Quran sekali (that was what I had in Melaka, i tak tau ustaz shah alam ajar mcm mana).

      MUET nanti your lecturer bagitau kot, or you check sendiri kat website MUET bila dia buat exam and seek advise from your program coordinator sama ada you kena register as individual candidate or UITM nak buat group registration for the batch. Tanya lecturer, jangan diam je. And yes, all subjects are in English because you are taking TESL, no point to learn in BM at all :)

  60. Salam Kak, I am a former student of Asasi Tesl and I applied for B.Ed in Tesl at Uitm and Ukm as my first and second choice and my third choice is Literature and my 4th choice is epc. Sadly, I checked my name at uitm and ukm and I didn't get tesl for both ( I don't know what went wrong.A friend of mine said that uitm only picked 30 students who passed the medsi test randomly, so the possibility of being chosen is really thin). Now, I am only left with subjects that don't require iv and one of them is epc which is my 4th choice. I got band 4 for my muet and my cgpa is around 3.6, so is there any chances that I will be taken into epc course? Because I saw your older replies stating that you have to put it as your first choice apparently. Please reply me when you are free! Thank you :) (sorry if this is posted twice because I have no idea how to comment on others' post hehe)

    1. Hey there, no worries, your comment appeared once only! Hmm, i think you'll have the chance to get selected for EPC due to your high credentials :) Doa banyak2 so that you'll get an offer that you can do without any regrets okay? EPC will pick students of the best academic qualification, so I think based on your MUET band + CGPA, they're marvellous and you definitely make the cut ^_^ not trying to give you a false hope, but if I can choose, I'll take you in :) have faith!

    2. Okay thank you Kak Mieza for your advice :D hopefully I'll get into epc, Amin :)

  61. Assalam Kak, I am an asasi TESL student, and I'm wondering whether it is possible to apply for other universities such as UM and UKM or overseas university after I've graduated?

    1. Wsalam, hi there :) FYI after you finished asasi you're gonna go through UPU again and you can choose any universities you like. Overseas pula on the other hand, you have to check with the uni you nak apply. What are the requirements for international applicants like you should you wish to enrol there :)

      and lagi satu kalau tak silap, financially speaking, tak ada scholarship in Malaysia yang taja pelajar TESL except for MARA, in which they only sponsor you starting from A-Levels (right after result SPM). so, kalau pergi overseas nak buat B.Ed TESL memang kena bayar sendiri (T_T)

  62. Apakah peluang pkerjaan lps ambil Diploma In English??

    1. hello there. sorry i cant answer your question as I dont take diploma in english and i'm never exposed to what this course is promising to its graduates :)

  63. Akak saya nak tanya :

    1) saya berminat nak amik asasi tesl tapi saya x nak jadi cikgu so saya nak sambung degree in graphics design or animasi boleh ke ?

    2) sebabkan saya x sambung degree tesl so x payah la kan saya amik MEDSI tu ?

    3) belajar asasi tesl ni ada belajar bahasa tambahan ke ? Mcm mandarin or lain2 ?

    4) masa interview klau org tu tanya isu2 semasa dan kita x tau , ckp x tau je ke ? Effect x kemasukan kita ? Atau org tu nak tengok cara kita speaking je ? Saya ni pengetahuan am lemah .

    5) disebabkan saya amik diploma dan degree lain2 adakah skop pekerjaan saya luas ?

    6) kan masa amik asasi tesl bnyk assignments , speech , presentation tu sume dibuat bergroup atau individual?

    7) contoh kalau saya amik diploma graphics design masa degree x bolehkan saya smbung tesl ? Kne amik diploma asasi dlu untuk smbung degree kan ?

    8) ada belajar tassawur ke ? Mcm mne tu ? Bkan bdk asasi bahasa inggris di uim ke yg blajar tasawur ni ?

    *Harap akak dpt la jwb kemushkilan saya ni ASAP maaf tanya bebanyak x de org saya bleh refer *

  64. 1) why do you want to take asasi tesl if you want to do a completely different menyimpang punya degree XD go take diploma or asasi sains, dont ruin other people's chance, especially people who want to do TESL or any English related degrees after asasi TESL :)

    2) MEDSI is compulsory for all asasi TESL students. the reason why people apply for asasi TESL is to get into B.Ed TESL, unless they fail MEDSI then they go for EPC, Literature, etc yang English-based.

    3) nope.

    4) answer honestly, dont lie. during my time, i answered "i dont know" on questions i really dont know the answer. they will look into every aspect to determine whether you have what they need or not, to be selected.

    5) to get a job, you need to show what you can do, what your worth is. even if we do a different diploma, different degree, different master and different phd, that doesnt mean we can get all the jobs related to the courses we did. if the employee thinks you're not eligible, then you wont get that job. senang kata, kalau masa interview tu macam sampah, resultnya pun sampah juga :)

    6) both.

    7) tak boleh. if you wanna do B.Ed TESL, then you must come from Asasi TESL (lulus MEDSI and MUET band 4 keatas) or from diploma TESL. Other than these two, tak layak.

    8) if you remember how Pendidikan Islam was a compulsory subject back in school, the same goes to Malaysian public university. as long as we live in Malaysia, negara yang agama rasmi dia ialah agama Islam, all public schools and public universities are bound under an act that the students wajib ambil subjek pendidikan islam and sejarah. in asasi UITM, the subject is called pendidikan islam (semester one is all about basic agama, semester 2 is about agama and perkembangan pendidikan in Malaysia through sekolah pondok, stuff like that, agama related). degree kat UITM, there are 2 subjects called TITAS (Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia Tenggara) and another one is Ethnic Relations.

    1. oh ya one more thing i forgot to highlight :

      1) regarding your statement lepas buat asasi tesl then you nak sambung degree in graphics design or animation, the answer is no, tak layak. this kind of degree needs you to do foundation or diploma yang berkaitan dgn ICT, multimedia, graphic design. kalau nak masuk uitm which have the cheapest yuran, then go apply diploma. if nak cari foundation sebab nak cepat masuk degree, go find private universities, they offer lots of courses macam ni and some of them have better equipments than public universities. you can start looking at MMU, Lim Kok Wing, Taylors.

  65. hi sis. if you don't mind, saya nak tanya. asasi tesl dekat uitm ni ada 2nd intake tak? i mean i only got 4As - spm so i dont think i boleh dapat 1st intake. dapat solid A untuk subject english but E for both physics and additional mathematics T^T

    1. hi there. during my time takde 2nd intake and rasanya sampai bila2 pun takkan ada sebab asasi ni 2 sem je, takde masa nak filter for 2nd intake :) have you checked the requirement to get into asasi tesl uitm? dia ada tulis subjek selain english kena dapat grade apa baru layak apply, go check kat website uitm.

  66. Hello kak! Akak sure tak boleh sambung degree in law lepas habis asasi tesl nanti? cause saya minat sgt dlam bidang law but bila saya semak syarat upu, saya hanya layak apply asasi tesl so saya berniat nak sambung asasi tesl dulu since asasi tesl boleh sambung degree in law lepas habis nnti and a few days ago, saya ada tanya melalui twitter dgn sorang pelajar asasi tesl ni kalau boleh sambung degree in law after asasi tesl. dia cakap tak boleh? tapi kalau asasi law then sambung degree in tesl nanti baru boleh. I just cant stop thinking about it. I couldnt help myself. saya perlukan jawapan akak T^T

    1. Hi there :) lepas asasi tesl tak boleh masuk degree law, tak layak. kalau awak tak layak apply asasi law, awak boleh buat Diploma in Public Admin (DPA) kat UiTM lepas tu baru layak apply degree law. DPA tu akak xtau pape sbb akak tak penah buat tp kawan akak gtau member dia ada budak DPA dapat degree law.

      Pasal dari asasi law nak masuk degree tesl tu boleh, tapi dengan syarat :
      -MUET band 4 above
      -daftar and buat ujian MEDSI and lulus written test + interview
      -apply B.Ed TESL dalam UPU lps tu berdoa lah mintak tuhan bagi dapat masuk tesl :)

      hope it helps ya!

  67. Assalamualaikum akak. Berapa lama duration dari asasi nak ke master? Maksudnya at what age akan habis belajar if habis degree terus nak sambung master.? Is it 27?

    1. wsalam. 27 tu lama sangat dik, kita bukan buat medic XD

      asasi : masuk umur 18, habis umur 19, awal tahun.
      degree : masuk umur 19, hujung tahun. habis umur 22 (kalau 3 tahun punya course mcm EPC) atau umur 24 (kalau 4 tahun punya course mcm B.Ed TESL)

      Master : sukati you la nak sambung bila, takde paksaan kena buat awal.

  68. Assalam. Akak boleh ke if students from diploma yang tiade kene mengena dgn tesl like diploma kejururawatan uitm apply degree pendidikan tesl uitm ? Really hope u can answer this. Tq:)

    1. Wsalam dik :) rasanya boleh tapi kena ada medsi lah. buat medsi test, lulus then boleh apply degree pendidikan. cuba check syarat kelayakan degree tesl. akak tak tau sebab tak ambil degree tesl tp kawan akak cakap boleh kalau ada lulus medsi test.

    2. as in boleh apply la, lulus ke tidak itu x tahu, bergantung pada pihak universiti sama ada nak ambil atau tak. sebab kalau jauh sangat menyimpang takut diorg tak yakin nak ambil candidate tu.

  69. hi sis , iam taking my spm this year and i am really interested in tesl and would like to take it as my course if i have the chance to pursue my study later . and i am not a science stream student so are the qualifications going to be different? hope u reply soon ^^

    1. you can check for the qualification to apply for asasi tesl at pusat asasi uitm website. it's all there, qualifications for all asasi programs available are clearly written there :) dont worry, it's the same for everyone regardless of the streams taken during spm.

    2. Thanks for your reply sis . i might be late to thank you . And i had gotten my spm result recently and i got A for my english and had made it my first choice in upu . I really hope i could make it hehe ~~

  70. Hi sis i just wanna ask my hair mmg dah die lama dah so is that mean i hv to die my hair to colour asal balik?

    1. hi. I was told by a TESL senior that you're supposed to come to the campus with non-dyed hair, means that please return your hair to its original colour by whatever means necessary :) and the spelling is "dye" not "die".

  71. Assalam sis, I would like to straightforwardly ask whether your EPC bachelor's degree could lead you to become an English lecturer or is it you must only obtain a TESL bachelor's degree?

    If YES, could you please tell me about yours & your peers' experience/ advice / which post graduate course on becoming an English lecturer.

    If NO, I can swiftly understand by then.

    With all due respect, thanks a bunch. :)

    1. additional info: some friends with B.Ed TESL degree are also teaching English at UiTM kampus cawangan, for diploma students. but i dont know if it's permanent or contract based job.

  72. Wsalam. You can attempt to get the job with EPC degree, but only at private universities IF they want to hire someone with a degree. Usually now they want people with a master's degree even for a contract based lecturing stint, non-permanent, due to the now-stricter rules by the ministry. Many of my friends, even those with experiences of working at numerous agencies, were asked by the interviewers (the faculty's dean,most of the time) "when are you going to start pursuing your masters degree?". The private universities that still hire 1st degree holders to become a lecturer are usually institutions of no high prestige and they only want to save money (pay lesser because you have low credentials/experiences). at IPTAs, i've only heard about becoming a part-time lecturer with EPC degree only at UiTM Dengkil, which is the Asasi campus. My friend (EPC grad) worked there for a while to teach Asasi TESL students (contract based) and it ended when the semester came to an end. Only senior lecturers are staying to teach there permanently.

    As for postgrad courses, if you really want to become an English lecturer, go for M.Ed TESL. what else kan? especially if you're not from B.Ed TESL.

    1. Thanks sis, now I have a bigger perspective, it's a pleasure to read your replies. May Allah ease your way. Jazāk Allāhu Khayran .

    2. you're most welcome Afiqah, i hope that whatever you have laid out as a future plan will go smoothly too :) if you want to ask more/anything else, you can email me at trisy7@gmail.com and I usually reply faster there. take care!

  73. I am humbly being so sorry if I were such a nuisance for you in replying my comments. Will considerably fully utilize your help and answers in the near future. Will contact you soon. You too take care sis. Jazāk Allāhu Khayran. <3 <3 <3 :D

  74. Salam sis. Nk tnya ni.Boleh x sis bgtau dari A to Z cara apply asasi tesl ni lpas hbis spm.lg stu uitm ni msuk mlalui upu or direct ke laman web uitm trus.

    1. wsalam. i saw that u asked 2 questions and i'm gonna reply both here.

      1) if you're from aliran sastera, you cannot go into any science stream in the university sebab tak layak.

      2) apply melalui UPU sahaja. kalau result SPM you layak utk Asasi TESL, then UiTM akan panggil pegi interview. lepas tu siapa lulus interview baru dapat tawaran masuk Asasi TESL UiTM :)

      UiTM masih melalui UPU, takde direct application through website unless stated dekat hebahan/pengumuman mana2.

    2. Lgi stu nk tnya msa interview asasi tesl tu slalu dia tnya apa? Susah x

    3. takde skema soalan. usual stuff would be introduce yourself, why are u here, why tesl, why uitm, what makes u think that you're a perfect candidate to be a teacher..other questions would be the interviewer's own choice to ask. susah ke tak, depends on how good you are or how badly you screwed up while answering ;)

  75. Assalamualaikum akak.. saya nak tanya, seandainya saya nak ambil asasi tesl lepas tu sambung epc kemudian nak teruskan kerjaya sebagai diplomat, mcm mana ya nak melaksanakan semua tu? Apa proses yg perlu saya lalui utk memcapai ketiga2 tu semua? Lepas tamat asasi kemudian prepare atau bersedia utk langkah yg mana?

    1. Wsalam.

      Asasi TESL - You have to pass the interview then only you'll get accepted into this course.

      EPC - you'll only have a chance to get selected into EPC if your asasi CGPA is good enough, you have MUET band 4 above and you fail MEDSI test.

      Diplomat - there is no vacancy application for this. You need to be a PTD officer, years of experience (if you can stand working with the government) and you have the luck to get selected into the diplomatic line. If not you'll be a PTD officer in many other jabatan/kementerian kerajaan.

  76. Hii kak mieza, i read your blog and you said after asasi tesl boleh mohon apa2 ja even takda kaitan dgn tesl/eng. So is it okay if i apply untuk bachelor in music education? I dah try cari maklumat syarat kelayakannya but it is not stated anywhere. Help me!

    p/s: saya ada tnya dekat ask.fm akak jugak so i dont mind where you want to answer me but pls do answer bcs i need an answer :'(

  77. hi dear :) i asked someone who is doing bachelor in music performance. he said boleh je sebab faculty music tak strict sangat, for now. i hope whatever choice you're making (or even if this is for someone else), pray that it will be a fruitful one ya :)

  78. Assalam kak mieza. I'm Nad. I got an offer for interview in asasi TESL this Saturday. It states there that i need to bring my sijil spm during that day but I still don't get the sijil. So how? I'm panicking so much right now hahaha.

    Btw your blog really helps me a lot. thank you! i hope you can reply soon!

  79. Salam sis. Saya Nad dari sabah.. sy baru ja dapat tawaran asasi tesl uitm di dengkil.. sy mau tanya ba,nnt tu pendaftaran terus ka kena stay di kampus utk sesi MDS? I mean,sy patut melapor diri pada 24/5/17.. so,adakah sy akan terus masuk kolej ketika itu? Dan lagi satu,ttf tiket kapal terbang,hnya sy sorang sj ka yg dpt free? Atau pun bersama parents? Atau mendaftar sorang diri? And last but not least,boleh ka nnt kita dtg ja utk lapor diri tp yuran pendaftaran bayar lambat?
    *ps sorry byk tnya
    But i hope u kindly can answer it jebal😂..
    Btw,thanks in advance!

    1. wsalam nad. sorry lambat reply ya, i was busy with work tak sempat check blog. tahniah dapat asasi tesl :) nnt pendaftaran terus masuk kampus, terus letak barang dapat kolej kediaman and dapat tahu bilik mana awak akan tinggal nanti. tiket flight utk student sahaja, parents kena beli sendiri. biasa students sabah sarawak ramai juga datang seorang sebab jauh sgt parents mau hantar kan :) tentang yuran tu Nad kena call uitm dengkil tanya sebab akak tak tahu sama ada boleh tangguh bayaran yuran atau tidak pasal akak dulu bayar on the spot masa daftar. if anything nak tanya lagi please email to trisy7@gmail.com ya sebab akak reply email faster than blog nowadays. all the best!

    2. TESL UiTM dah pindah Dengkil ye? Wow...missing those moments during Asasi TESL. The best, I should say. To all junior peeps, enjoy your life during asasi ya! You're gonna miss it years after you leave it. It has been 10 years for me...LOL, dah tua. Good luck! p/s: Drama subject mmg plg renyah, tp lepas settle...itu lah yg rasa berharga. hehe

  80. Assalamualaikum kak,

    Saya nak tanyaaa, kalau nak sambung masters oerseas, ada tak sponsorship drp mana2 pihak kalau dapat result bagus?

    Thank you akak.

    1. Wsalam dik. kalau awak nak sponsorship dari mana2 pihak kerajaan atau swasta di Malaysia, jawapannya takde sebab bidang sains sosial tak dipandang sgt. biasalah Malaysia nak taja pure science je :) however, overseas universities have their own scholarships (from the uni, from the faculty, from the NGO and many more). awak kena check website university yg awak nak apply tu. bukak la page course yg awak nak apply tu lepas tu cari link/tab about scholarship or sponsorship available for students taking that course. usually kalau ada pun awak takkan dapat duit sebelum fly. awak kena pakai duit sendiri utk settle kos application, kos penerbangan, registration fees and semester 1 punya fees. buku2 rujukan ke apa semua kena beli dulu pakai duit sendiri jugak. senang kata, kena ada duit utk total cost semester 1 dahulu.

  81. Hi sis I just finished my asasi TESL and I want to ask
    1) epc offered in UITM only or do other u also offered cnth:UPM.
    2).kalau saya ditawarkan kursus tidak berkaitan bahasa eng macam mana says nak mohon untuk kursus epc utk degree
    3)adakah selepas result upu keluar saya tiada peluang until membetulkan pilihan program ?

    Saya harap agar sis dapat memberikan penjelasan...terima kasih

    1. 1) UiTM only. USM ada but i dont know anything about it and u kena search sendiri kat portal USM or cari org yg belajar sana. USM is not under UPU application and kena apply direct to them.

      2) kalau tak dapat offer bulan sept 2017 ni then boleh kerja part time mana2 dulu then nnt UiTM bukak 2nd intake UPU boleh apply EPC pastu doa2 lah awak dapat intake March 2018. nak tau bila 2nd intake ni kena check sendiri dgn UiTM.

      3) bila result UPU dah keluar mmg tak boleh buat pape bagi rakyat marhaen. kalau anak dato menteri tan sri mungkin ada cable boleh adjust, i dont know never been there XD you either pegi je redha course apa u dapat for UPU sept 2017 intake or tunggu rayuan intake kedua utk UiTM. takpun pegi masuk swasta je, rasanya lg senang nak dapat course apa yg u suka coz most private colleges they just want your money and they dont care about your qualifications sgt.


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