Lanopearl Refining & Exfoliating Scrub

Monday, November 25, 2013

Assalamualaikum and Hello!

It's Monday and I'm shooing away the blues by writing, hehe! Now, how many of you guys religiously do scrub your face 1-2 times a week? I hope you all are not as lazy as me, coz sometimes I get too involved in making myself busy and only remember to scrub when I see a dull complexion on the mirror =_='' Well, let's see the face scrub that I've been loving so far!

The face scrub I'm currently using is from Lanopearl Australia, called the Refining & Exfoliating Scrub (thanks HiShop for letting me try this awesome scrub!). Now when you see the word Refining and Exfoliating, please don't only think about abrasive scrubs with harsh beads. Nope, Lanopearl's is nothing like that and that's why I'm in loveeeee ^_^ This product comes in a plastic tube at 150ml. 

description, directions for use, ingredients

for animal lovers, this scrub is cruelty free!

What I really love about this scrub is that it contains tiny oatmeal beads (sounds like breakfast!) that is not abrasive to my skin. Though it seems gentle, the scrub does it job well in making my face looks polished and soft after use ^_^ I use it once or twice a week as recommended (or whenever I remember to scrub, haha) and I personally think it helps, like I'm changing to a soft new layer of skin :)

The smell of this product is okay, it does smell like something breakfasty LOL am I too hungry now?  As you can see in the pictures above, you just need that dollop like I squeezed to cover your entire face. This scrub has a thick, creamy or waxy consistency. It does not lather. Some of you might find its smell a bit too chemical but I think it is not bad. Sometimes I imagined that I'm scrubbing my face with Nestum, hehe!

So, if you're searching for a face scrub that smells good, does its job well and not abrasive, I recommend you to try Lanopearl Refining & Exfoliating Scrub. You can get it from HiShop at RM69 (keep your eyes peeled, sometimes HiShop have lovely discount surprises!). 

click here!
Price : RM69.00

And don't forget to tag @hishopmy at Instagram with your purchases plus hashtag #HiShopMy, who knows you might be the lucky fan who will win the Photo of The Week contest ^_^ Till then people!

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