Laser Tag with The Butterfly Project Malaysia

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Assalamualaikum and hello! As a beauty blogger, maybe people will think that ladies like us are only attracted to makeup stuffs. But hey, this time The Butterfly Project Malaysia has came out with an event that is non-beauty related at all! We successfully had an awesome day playing Laser Tag at Laser Warzone e@Curve, Bandar Utama on May 10th, 2014. Thank goodness it was Saturday, this is why I love The Butterfly Project as most of the events were held during non-office hours, showing how they understand and respect us with working or college schedule. 
I was all the way from Melaka that morning and met the lovely Amalina Nadri at KL Sentral before my other half fetched both of us to e@Curve. It was a pleasant surprise that Laser Warzone provided us with a private room to have breakfast and chit chat before the games took place. We had nasi lemak, fried noodle, traditional Malay kuih and sandwich for breakfast, how marvelous! I tried not to eat too much because I was afraid that I might get stomach ache for running around after eating (I was an athlete so yeah, been there gone through, hehe).
private room
There were 4 teams on that day, Team Mulan, Team Huntress, Team Athena (my team) and Team Laser Fly. Each team played 4 games against each other. The first game was a warm-up game where you can shoot anybody regardless the team. The upcoming games were where you collect points for your team to win the tournament. At Laser Warzone, the rule of playing is easy. There will be 2 teams in a game at a time, namely team blue and team green (depending on the colour emitted by your vest).
the room to get your vest before entering the battle arena
How to play :
-shoot players with a different vest LED colour
-you get 50 points if you shoot at any 4 spots on the front of the vest 
-you get 50 points if you shoot at their gun
-you get 100 points if you shoot at the big spot on the back of the vest
-no points will be deducted if you get shot
-your gun will not function for 5 seconds once you get shot
-when you were shot, your gun and vest won't emit any colour, so sit down and catch your breath (as advised by the marshals)
-or if you don't want to sit down, take the total blackout of yourself as a camouflage to run behind your enemy and pray that nobody would notice you (what I did, hehe)

rules and regulations

guess who are those 3 guys sitting there? hehe *unintentionally snapped this pic*
medals and trophy for each team
The game was indeed FUN! I never thought it would be so intense. My team, Athena tried so hard to win because we are competitive like that :p In my opinion, the "battlefield" was great for everyone and I found that the team can get an advantage if they went inside first, as you'll get to secure the spots where you can easily target your opponent. In the last game, there was a moment I became fed-up coz somebody kept shooting at my gun from the rear side, I can't run there (I was shot every time I poke my head out from my hiding place) and I don't even know where the person was. All I knew was suddenly I'm dead. So I went to the back and had fun chasing Sabrina Tajudin, laughed at her scream and made her my last kill. Why? Because she was at the back and she killed me several times from the beginning of the game, clever girl!
before the game
inside the arena
So, after all the games had ended, there was a prize giving ceremony and Team Athena secured the second place, yeayy! Congratulations to everyone else as well, all Butterflies definitely has shown an excellent trait of sportsmanship during the game and everybody tried their best to contribute to their respective team. One of the team even told my team how their game was with a different team that we will face next, thank you so much! We then had a cake cutting ceremony as this laser tag tournament was the celebration for The Butterfly Project first anniversary, weehooooo!!! The red velvet covered with fondant cake was sponsored by AskJoey, thank you so much for the delicious cake!
team Athena was the 1st runner up ^_^
cake cutting ceremony
happy family photo ^_^
(use your student card, they accept it no matter how old you are!)
girls will always be girls, so one last photo before balik rumah XD
I would like to say thank you so much to The Butterfly Project (especially our SWAT superwomen ada yang patah kaki, nak meletup keluar baby and macam-macam lagi obstacles tapi masih berjaya lead events for us Butterflies and Caterpillars) for making this event a successful reality ^_^ I would also love to congratulate The Butterfly Project for making it to year one, regardless the blood and sweat and occasional dramas, WE are getting bigger and better day by day, I believe in you Butterfly Project! I write this with a melancholy feeling as I am graduating and getting closer to my transition to the working world, or continuing my masters' degree (which I planned to secure a spot outside Malaysia). I hope that no matter what my future undertakings will be, I'll still have time and the means to support The Butterfly Project Malaysia. This is my first blogger community, this is where I learn the most, this is where I belong and will remain faithful for the rest of my life. 
Oh hi, it's just me, the medal, the voucher, Butterfly tee, and the lotions for review, hehe

My tips on playing laser tag at Laser Warzone e@Curve

1. Wear dark clothes, bright ones will glow in the arena
2. Wear comfortable shoes/sneakers
3. Use your student card to get cheaper rate. 
5. Get at least 9-10 people per group, 4 people is not fun
6. Three games will make you sweat like a pig
7. The staffs are very friendly and helpful, respect them
8. Never played laser tag before? LASER TAG IS AWESOME!
9. You will experience slight leg pain the day after due to the endless crouching 

For more information :
(click to find out more about their packages)

*unwatermarked pictures are credited to The Butterfly Project and Laser Warzone*

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  1. so nice to experience that awesome game...wish I could comee

    1. i hope next time we can play again, and you'll get to experience it with us ^_^

  2. HAHA the three guys tu! Boyfriends waiting area :p

    1. boyfriends and husbands waiting area! nasiblah my guy waited at san francisco coffee sebab dia bawak lappy main game. kalau tak, jadi 4 sekawan pulak XD

  3. if you're here it would be merrier, hehe!

  4. Thankyouuu so much mizahhh and your other half ijat sebab tumpangkannn! :'D *kenduri nt jgn lupa jemput* hee

    see you in the next event!


  5. Experience the thrill of outdoor laser tag skirmish in a new and exciting way. It’s an ideal activity for kids and teenagers birthday parties!

    laser tag


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